Seattle Public Schools

Indian Parent Advisory Committee Information

Title VI Parent Advisory Committee By-Laws


Mission Statement

The mission of the Seattle Public Schools Title VI Indian Parent Committee is to advise and support the efforts of Seattle School District No. 1 (hereinafter “Seattle Public Schools”) to meet the unique educational and culturally-related academic needs of American Indian and Alaska Native students. It is our collective goal that this work will help students to realize their full potential and be college and career ready upon graduation from high school.

Article I

Seattle Public Schools Title VI Indian Parent Committee

Section 1

The Name of this Indian Parent Advisory Committee shall be the Seattle Public Schools Title VI Indian Parent Committee

Article II

  Purpose and Charge of IPC

Section 1

The IPC acts as a voice in representing the Indian students and their parents/legal guardians in the community;

Section 2

approves the annual Title VI federal grant application, proposed budget, and any subsequent formal application amendments;

Section 3

supports SPS’s strategic plan

Section 4

consults with the LEA on Title VI Indian Education Program development and operation;

Section 5

conducts regular, open meetings in accordance with Article IV – Meetings; and

Section 6

abides by IPC bylaws for the duration of the Title VI grant program funding.

Article III

Section 1

Composition of the IPC Board: The total number of voting members on the IPC shall be no less than five (5) and no more than fifteen (15) parents/legal guardians of program eligible Native Students enrolled in Seattle Public Schools. Program eligible Indian children shall have an eligibility form on file with Seattle Public Schools meeting the requirements of the U.S. Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Grant, Title VI, Part A, Section 7117(b).

Section 2

Composition and Duties of the Executive Committee:

a) President: The President shall provide leadership and serve as an advisor to IPC members and officers. The President or their designee shall facilitate all meetings and coordinate the agenda with the other officers and Native Education Staff. The President, with input from the other officers and members, shall direct proposals, events, and responsibilities that support the IPC purpose.

b) Vice-President: The Vice-President will assume responsibilities in the absence of the President, coordinate and oversee subcommittee work, serve as the point of contact for IPC members, including meeting attendance and membership eligibility, and communicate with Seattle Public Schools organizations as needed.

c) Secretary: The Secretary will take minutes at all meetings. The Secretary shall post copies of the minutes, including those in attendance and the calendar of meetings on the Native Education website, once approved by the IPC. The Secretary, collaboration with Native Education Staff, will maintain an archive of IPC materials

Section 3

Composition and Duties of the Members-at-Large:

a) Composition:

a. at least one teacher from Seattle Public Schools that is not paid by Native
Education funding;

b. invite participation and input from secondary Native student(s); and

c. invite participation from at least one representative of Local Education
Agency (LEA) partner tribes and/or the Alaska Native Consortia.

b) Duties:

a. Members-at-Large serve on subcommittees, sometimes meeting outside of regularly scheduled meetings, and assist the IPC in carrying out its duties.

Section 4

Term of Membership: All members of the IPC shall serve a one-year term except for the President. The President of the IPC will serve a two-year term.

Section 5

Resignation: Any member of the IPC may resign by giving written or verbal notice to the IPC President. The President may resign by giving written or verbal notice to the Vice-President or Secretary.

Section 7

Vacancy: A vacancy can be filled at any time by a quorum of the IPC at a regular or
special meeting. The new member shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Article IV

Section 1

A minimum of 4 scheduled regular IPC meetings per school year.

Section 2

Calendar: A schedule of regular IPC meetings shall be determined at the first meeting in the October and posted on the SPS website.

Section 3

Notification: Notifications of IPC meetings shall be as follows:

a) All notifications of regular meetings, as well as cancellations and new meetings, shall
be posted to the Seattle Public Schools Native Education webpage.

b) Special meeting notifications can be arranged either by electronic mail or telephone
and are exempted from the regular meeting notification rules.

Section 4


Minutes will be made of all regular and special meetings of the IPC. Once the minutes are approved by the IPC, they will be posted on the Seattle Public Schools Native Education webpage.

Section 5

Agenda: An agenda shall be prepared for each meeting by the IPC president following the IPC Agenda business by-law model.

Section 6

All regular meetings of the IPC are open to the public.

Section 7

Quorum: Three (3) voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 8

All meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.

Article V

Section 1

Scheduling of Elections: Board Elections shall be held at the first scheduled IPC regular meeting in October.

Section 2

Purpose of Elections:

a) Nominate and elect new IPC Executive Committee Officers;

b) Nominate and elect new Members-at-Large

Section 3

Eligible Voters: All parents/legal guardians of Native Students enrolled in Seattle Public Schools are eligible to vote in the election of the IPC.

Section 4

Election Procedure:

a) Nominees shall be given the opportunity to speak to at the meeting prior to elections.

b) Votes are cast by secret ballot.

c) The outgoing (current) Secretary shall act as the teller and tally the ballots and report the election results at the election meeting. If the outgoing secretary is a candidate for election, another officer who is not a candidate will act as teller. The President will be the first alternate and the Vice President will be the second alternate.

d) The teller will retain the ballots until it is certain that the membership will not order
a recount which is within its power to do by a majority vote.

Article VI

Section 1

Term of Office: The IPC Executive Committee shall serve for a term of one-year except for the term of President, which shall serve a two-year term. Officers may be re-
elected. There is no limitation on the number of terms an officer may serve.

Section 4

Vacancy: Any vacancies on the IPC Board, including Members-at-Large, can be filled before the next Annual Meeting by a quorum of the IPC at any regular or special meeting. The new member will serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

Article VII

Section 1

Special and Standing Subcommittees: The IPC may create subcommittees for the purpose of promoting its objectives. Members may volunteer or be selected by simple majority. A facilitator of the subcommittee will be identified at the time of the creation of the subcommittee and shall execute assigned duties. The subcommittee facilitator or
their designee will report to the IPC according to timelines set by the IPC.

Article VIII
Order of Business

The following order of business is established for all Seattle Public Schools Title VI Indian Parent

Committee meetings in accordance with Parliamentary Procedures.

I. Call to order by Chairperson

II. Invocation

III. Ascertainment of a quorum by circulating an attendance roster

IV. Approval of agenda

V. Approval of minutes of last meeting

VI. Announcements

VII. Program Report

VIII. Next meeting scheduled

IX. Adjournment

Article IX
Amending By-Laws

Section 1

By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the IPC by at least a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting, provided the amendment was submitted in writing to the membership at a previous regularly scheduled IPC meeting.